14 Oct


This one is a personal favorite for many. Shopping is becoming more and more prevalent and brings out some zest in some people. They just love shopping! Others feel strongly the other way—very few people are completely neutral on this topic. A few good questions are:

  • Do you enjoy shopping? Why/why not?

  • What is your favorite shop? Why?

  • In your city, where is a good place to go shopping?

  • How do you feel about online shopping?

  • What are the pros and cons of shopping online

  • How do you think shopping will be like in the future?


Everybody makes plans and discussing them could even influence the class to start making plans of their own! A few example questions include:

  • How often do you plan things? Why?

  • What are your plans for (________)?

  • What are your plans for your English?

  • What do you think of this quote? “Having no plan is a plan to fail.”

  • Do you have any back-up plans?


Books make for a good discussion topic because most people enjoy a good book.

When you read, your mind is filled with new images, feelings, ideas and thoughts. Books also empower and educate people, so your adult students may believe in the value of books. It can be immensely satisfying for adult students to share how they feel about reading. Some questions to ask are:

  • Do you like books/reading? Why/why not?

  • What kind of books do/did you like?

  • What is your favorite book? Why?

  • What was the last book you read?

  • Do you believe reading books/literature is more important than reading stuff online? Why/why not?

Describe a family member you spend most time with.


You should say:

  • Who this person is

  • What kind of person he/she is

  • What you usually do together

  • And explain why you spend most time with him/her.


Describe a film/movie you would like to share with your friends.


You should say:

  • when and where you watched it

  • what the story of movie

  • who you watched it with

  • and explain why you want to share it with friends.

Describe a goal that you set in your life.


You should say:

  • what it was

  • why you set this goal

  • whether it was difficult to achieve this goal

  • and explain how you felt about achieving this goal.


Topic: FAMILY MEMBER - Two-way Questions

  1. Do you think many generations can live in one family?

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a large family?

  3. What are the responsibilities of men and women for their children?

  4. What responsibilities do family members have to one another?

  5. Which do you prefer: support from family members or friends? Why?

  6. Is it important to visit family members? Why?

Topic: FILMS - Two-way Questions

  1. Do you think people prefer to watch movie which is performed by famous actor/actress? Why?

  2. What kind of movie people enjoy watching? Why?

  3. What kinds of films do young people like to watch in your country?

  4. Do you think people should watch historical movie? Why?

  5. Do you think movie music has any impact on people to watch it?

  6. Is it crucial to have the film industry for a country? Why?

  7. Why do some people prefer to go to the cinema instead of watching movies at home?

Sample: C

Topic: GOAL - Two-way Questions

  1. Do you think people should set personal goals? Why?

  2. What personal goals will people normally set?

  3. Do people set long term goals or short term goals?

  4. What kind of personal goals that people usually set in life (increasing self confidence, losing weight?)?

  5. Do you think that personal goals are more important than other kind of goals (promotion at work)?

  6. Why is it important to set goals at work?

  7. Do old people and young people have the same goals?

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